Best ATSA Test Prep: Review of the Most Accurate Practice (2024)

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When preparing for the Air Traffic Controller Test, you want to ensure you do everything possible to increase your chances of success.

One important way to do this is by using accurate practice simulations. But with so many practice tests on the market, how can you be sure which is right for you?

Here we’ll review what we found to be the best and most realistic ATSA test prep so that you can feel confident in your preparation process.

We’ll examine each practice test of the seven ATSA subtests, so you’ll know exactly what you’re getting.

Let’s get started.

The preparation pack we’re reviewing on this page is JobTestPrep’s Air Traffic Controller Test Prep.

This practice kit comprises seven categories, each aligning with the corresponding subtest of the actual ATSA:

ATSA Test Prep JobTestPrep Intro Screen

Most of the practice categories include the following:

  • Specific instructions that are usually similar to the actual test unless written otherwise.
  • Practice tests, either timed or untimed.
  • Summary reports indicating your overall score and a breakdown into right/wrong answers and scores on specific topics.
  • Explanations for each of the practice questions inside the tests, when applicable
  • PDF study guides (can be downloaded to your computer) that reinforce a subject or show solving strategies and techniques.

Let’s go over each practice category, so you’ll see what’s inside.

Memory – Numbers and Differences

Number of Practice Tests: 1

Number of Practice Scenarios: Infinite

You’re given two numbers on this subtest, one after the other. You need to calculate the difference between each number once the last number is shown.

Then, 1-2 seconds later, a new number will be shown, and you must calculate the difference between this new number and the last one shown – not the one you just typed.

Here’s how the practice simulation looks in action:

ATSA Test Prep Number Differences Sample Question JobTestPrep

Memory – Variables

Number of Practice Tests: 4

Number of Practice Questions: 140

In the first part of this practice simulation, you must remember the value of three variables—A, B, and C—and type that value into a text box.

For example:
A = 2 B = 3 C = 4.

In the second part, you must calculate one or more variables.

For example:
A = 2, B = A + 1, C = 4.

You must:
Type 2 as an answer to the question “A = ?”
Calculate the value of B: A + 1 = 2 + 1 = 3, and type 3 to answer the question “B = ?”
Type 4 as an answer to the question “C = ?”

Let’s see how this simulation looks to understand the concept better:

ATSA Test Prep Variables Sample Question JobTestPrep

The practice tests come in three levels – basic, intermediate, and advanced. The intermediate and advanced levels resemble the actual Air Traffic Control Test. The basic level can be used as a starting point until you get the hang of this simulation.

Prepare for the gamified test sections with dozens of accurate practice simulations.

Spatial/Visual Relationship

Number of Practice Tests: 6 practice simulations (3 with explanations and 3 without)

Number of Practice Questions: 360

In this section, you need to determine the location of two airplanes in relation to each other. You have only 4 seconds per question, and there’s no pause between questions.

The first part of this section includes only two airplanes, but in the second part, an eye is added to some of the questions. When the eye appears, it becomes your point of view.

Here are two examples from JobTestPrep’s preparation pack:

The practice tests come in two forms – interactive simulations and simulations with explanations. The explanations enable you to learn from your mistakes and improve your skills to answer quickly and accurately.

These forms come in three difficulty levels, similar to the previous practice category – beginner, intermediate, and advanced. JobTestPrep mentions that “the actual difficulty level of this section on the ATSA matches the advanced simulation (questions change every ~2 seconds).”

ATC Radar Simulation

Number of Practice Tests: 6

Number of Practice Scenarios: Infinite for the collision simulation test, 220 for the other practice tests

This is the most critical and challenging section of this practice pack. Many test-takers are terrified by this subtest, so JobTestPrep went to great lengths to make this practice as helpful and realistic as possible.

The practice category is divided into three:

  1. ATSA Collision Simulation test: the practice simulations are divided into two parts, similar to the actual test. In the first part, you only need to avoid collisions. In the second part, you must avoid collisions and answer math problems simultaneously. This practice can be taken with/without time limits, and you can choose from three difficulty levels.
  2. Four Operators Practice: to strengthen your arithmetic skills – addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division (includes three practice tests and a study guide).
  3. Numpad practice: to improve your ability to use the Numpad quickly and accurately (you can’t use anything other than the Numpad on the actual test).

Here’s how the ATC Collision Simulation looks in the practice pack:

ATSA Test Prep ATC Radar Simulation Example JobTestPrep

Prepare for the ATC Radar Simulation section with dozens of realistic practice tests.

Logical Reasoning

Number of Practice Tests: 6

Number of Study Guides: 6

Number of Practice Questions: 105

This subtest evaluates your deductive reasoning skills and ability to quickly understand and extract information from texts or charts.

The practice category comprises three questions types, the same as the actual test:

  • Graphs and charts
  • Seating arrangements
  • Syllogisms

On the real ATSA, you’ll be penalized for not answering all the questions. However, you won’t be penalized for wrong answers on these practice tests.

Each of the practice questions is coupled with a detailed explanation so that you can learn from mistakes:

ATSA Test Practice Logical Reasoning Sample Question JobTestPrep

In addition, you get six study guides to help you build logical and deductive reasoning foundations and specific solving tips that make the questions less intimidating.

Personality Test

Number of Practice Tests: 32

Number of Study Guides: 2

The actual ATSA personality subtest includes 108 questions, each containing three statements. You must decide which of the three statements is most and least like you.

This practice category is split into three:

  1. PDF study guides to help you understand what “hides” behind these tests, what they evaluate, and what you can do to succeed.
  2. Full-length personality tests with explanations for each question and score reports highlighting your traits and tendencies.
  3. Extra practice tests that focus on specific personality traits you might want to work on if you score below or above the desired range.

Here’s an example of a practice question from the full-length personality test:

ATSA Test Practice Personality Test Example JobTestPrep

Reading Comprehension

Number of Practice Tests: 2

Number of Practice Questions: 36

This subtest evaluates your verbal reasoning abilities. You’ll need to read a passage and answer three multiple-choice questions related to it.

Note that both on the actual test and these practice tests, your answers must be based only on the given information rather than on any previous assumptions or knowledge.

Here’s how the questions look in the practice pack:

ATSA Test Practice Reading Comprehension Sample Question JobTestPrep


After thoroughly reviewing JobTestPrep’s ATSA test prep pack, it’s clear they invested a lot of time and effort and strived to provide the most accurate and comprehensive practice experience.

So, if you are looking for help preparing for your upcoming ATSA test, JobTestPrep is the best option. Their updated content, realistic simulations, study guides, and other materials will help you get your desired score.

To get additional ATSA prep tips, check our guide that covers 7 useful practice tips.