Caliper Personality Test: Examples & Tips for Best Answers
In this guide, you’ll learn exactly what to expect on the Caliper Personality Test, also known as the Caliper Profile Test.
This assessment measures 20+ personality traits and behaviors to check if you’re a good fit for your desired job.
Scoring low on this test means you won’t be considered for the job, even if you have a perfect resume.
This page aims to help you prepare for this test so that you score as high as possible and get one step closer to a job offer.
So, let’s dive right in:
What Is the Caliper Personality Test?
The Caliper Personality Test is an assessment that measures your characteristics and motivations. It includes three sections with 88 questions overall. The results of the Caliper Profile help employers make informed hiring decisions and ensure a good fit between the candidate and the job requirements.
Is the Caliper Assessment Hard?
The Caliper Personality Assessment can be challenging as it requires you to answer questions truthfully and accurately about your personality, motivations, and cognitive abilities.
However, with proper preparation and practice, you can improve your chances of performing well on this assessment.
What Does the Caliper Personality Assessment Measure?
The Caliper Assessment measures 21 traits, such as social adaptability, assertiveness, empathy, ego drive, and attention to detail. The test aims to provide insights into how an individual may behave in a work environment and interact with colleagues or customers.
How to Answer the Caliper Personality Test?
The test instructions claim that there are no right or wrong answers and that you just need to be honest. That being said, there are certain things you must keep in mind while answering the questions:
Take the Test in Context
When taking the Caliper test, envision yourself in the role you’re applying for. This will help you answer questions more accurately and better reflect your potential fit for the position.
Focus on Work-related Behaviors
The Caliper Assessment test measures work-related behaviors. So try to focus on how you would behave in a work setting when answering questions rather than how you behave with friends and family.
Favorable Traits Vary from Job to Job
Depending on the job, the same attribute can either push performance in a positive direction or, conversely, negatively interfere with performance. For example, if you’re applying for a sales position, you’d want to emphasize traits such as high assertiveness, but if you’re applying for a Software Engineering role, this trait won’t be favorable.
Stay Consistent
The Caliper profile assessment is designed to identify inconsistencies in your responses, so staying consistent throughout the exam is important. Some of the questions ask the same thing but in different wording, which makes it more tricky. But, with enough practice, you’ll be able to spot these differences more easily.
Take dozens of Caliper practice questions to ensure you have the right answer for each question.
Get to Know the Caliper Personality Test & Try Sample Questions
The Caliper test as a whole includes 112 questions that are divided into four sections: A, B, C, & D.
Section C has one correct response and is used to obtain a certain aspect of your cognitive ability. The other sections are behavioral and personality tests, which are this page’s focus.
Let’s review each behavioral and personality section and try sample questions that resemble the actual exam.
Sections A & B – Most and Least Questions
In Sections A & B, you will be asked to determine which one of four response options is “most like me” and which is “least like me.” These sections include 50 questions.
Sample Question
Choose which statement is most true or typical of you and which is least like you.
A. I’m prepared to be assertive to acquire what I am seeking. | Most | Least |
B. I operate optimally when I have complete control over my daily tasks and approach. | Most | Least |
C. Bargaining a deal may frequently be hampered by too much empathy. | Most | Least |
D. My judgments are supported by proven truths, not possibilities. | Most | Least |
Section D – Likert Scale
The items in this section are presented in a Likert format. You will be asked to determine which of the seven response options fits best. The scale offers seven options, with “strongly agree” at one end and “strongly disagree” at the other, with five less extreme options in between.
Sample Questions
Please indicate your natural preference for the following statement by choosing a response on a scale from Strongly Agree to Strongly Disagree.
#1 Despite being inopportune, I immediately change my strategy in light of fresh knowledge.
#2 When colleagues chat with me in the workplace, I occasionally reflect on other matters during the conversation.
A. Strongly Agree
B. Agree
C. Mildly Agree
D. Neutral
E. Mildly Disagree
F. Disagree
G. Strongly Disagree
Take this free Caliper practice test for more personality sample questions (and other Caliper question types).
Continue Practicing for the Caliper Profile Test with These Valuable Resources
Answering sample questions is a good start, but it may not be enough to ace the assessment. That’s because they only give you a glimpse of what to expect and don’t show you the whole range of questions nor simulate the testing experience.
That’s why we recommend taking full-length Caliper practice tests that include all the questions you’ll likely encounter on the real test. Each practice question is accompanied by explanations and solving tips to learn how to answer each question correctly.
There are several test prep companies that offer such practice tests, but our recommendation is JobTestPrep’s Caliper Practice Kit, as it’s the most thorough and accurate compared to the competition.
You receive three Caliper personality practice tests with unique practice for six different job categories, interactive study guides, and 45 practice tests for the Caliper Cognitive section.
Here’s a screenshot from their practice pack:
Get dozens of accurate Caliper practice tests to help you pass the assessment.
More Tips to Increase Your Chances of Passing the Caliper Personality Test
Research the Role You’re Applying for and Adapt Your Testing to It
Before taking the Caliper Personality Test, research the role you’re applying for and understand what qualities are required for success in that position. This will help you tailor your answers to reflect those qualities and increase your selection chances.
Don’t Overthink Your Answers
While you should strive to answer each question strategically to present your strengths and fit for the job, don’t overthink every answer. As this is a long test with more than 100 questions, overthinking may exhaust you, leading to poor performance.
Watch Out for Double Negatives
The test often includes questions with double negatives, which can be confusing. Examples of double negatives include “… is not insignificant” and “… wasn’t unhappy with…”. Ensure you read each question carefully and understand what is asked before answering.
Don’t Rush
The good news is that there’s no time limit to the test. This means you don’t need to worry about the clock, which reduces pressure. The official Caliper Assessment website mentions it takes around 60 minutes to complete, but this varies between test takers.
Experiment with Free Samples Tests
Many websites, such as this one, offer free practice assessments for the Caliper personality test. These practice tests can help you become familiar with the types of questions asked and improve your performance on the exam.
Take Accurate Practice Tests
Taking practice tests is one of the best ways to prepare for any assessment, including the Caliper Personality Test. Ensure you take accurate practice tests that closely mimic the test format to understand what to expect on test day.
Want additional tips? Check our dedicated guide with seven useful Caliper test prep tips to help you pass the exam.
Understand the Caliper Personality Test Results
The Caliper Personality Test scoring system is based on the 21 traits the test measures:
Accommodation | Flexibility | Stress Tolerance |
Energy | Skepticism | Ego-Strength |
Risk-Taking | Cautiousness | Level-Headedness |
Aggressiveness | Gregariousness | Thoroughness |
External Structure | Sociability | Empathy |
Self-Structure | Ego-Drive | Openness |
Assertiveness | Idea Orientation | Urgency |
Your scores on these traits are calculated and turned into 56 competencies created by Caliper Corp (now owned by Talogy).
For each job type, Caliper recognized that 5-9 key competencies (out of 56) are needed for success, and they form the Caliper Job Model.
There are five Job Model categories: Management, Sales, Service, Technical, and Other. Your Caliper Profile scores will be calculated according to the Job Model of your desired position. Then, they will be compared with the scores of existing employees in these jobs.
The scores range between 1 to 99. The higher you score, the higher you’re aligned with the job’s requirements. Overall, there are three batches of scoring ranges: 1-39, 40-59, and 60-99.
Scoring in the first batch means you will likely not be considered for the job. Scoring in the second range means you’re moderately aligned with the job requirements. And scoring in the third batch means you’re a good fit for the job.
In addition to the 21 personality traits being measured, the assessment also evaluates your abstract reasoning ability. This ability is assessed on the cognitive portion of the exam. And your score in this portion adds to the scores in the personality sections.
Get Tailored Practice for the Caliper Cognitive Test Section
The Caliper cognitive ability test is often overlooked as the cognitive questions are only about 10% of all questions.
However, the recruitment team will emphasize your scoring on this portion for some roles. This includes Data, Finance, Analysis, Software Development, and many other positions.
So, if you’re applying for a more technical or analytical role, you shouldn’t neglect to practice for this portion.
The cognitive questions are divided into four types: Visual Analogy, Matrices (“which tile is missing”), Figural Series (shape patterns), and Number Series (number patterns).
We created thorough guides to help you prepare for these questions (including sample questions and solving tips). Make sure you check them if you want to know what to expect in this section:
- Full-length practice tests for the Caliper cognitive & personality sections
- Caliper ‘Which Tile is Missing’ Questions
- Caliper Visual Analogy Questions
- Caliper Number Pattern & Shape Pattern Questions
- Free practice tests for personality tests that resemble the Caliper assessment
Caliper Personality Assessment FAQs
Can You Fail the Caliper Test?
The Caliper Test does not have a pass or fail grade but provides insights into your personality traits and cognitive abilities. Employers use the test results to determine if you are a good fit for the job role and company culture.
How Quickly Do Employers Receive Results for Caliper Assessment?
It typically takes 24-48 hours to receive the Caliper Assessment results. This means that the recruiter should contact you within a few days after completing the test. However, this may differ depending on the number of test takers and candidates for your position.
Can I See My Caliper Assessment Results?
You won’t be able to see your Caliper Assessment results, as they are sent directly to your hiring company. However, some employers might share the results with you, but you’ll need to verify that with your recruiter as they won’t propose that voluntarily.
Can You Skip Questions on the Caliper Assessment?
You can skip between questions in the same sections, but you’re not allowed to leave any questions blank. The testing system won’t allow you to move between sections or submit your test if you leave questions unanswered.