NEW TSA CBT Test Free Practice [2D to 3D, Connect the Dots & Shape Match Questions]

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Welcome to your free practice test for the new TSA CBT test!

On this page, you’ll learn exactly what to expect on the assessment and get a chance to try realistic sample questions.

The free practice questions cover the three sections of the exam (including the dreadful 2D to 3D shape folding) and are coupled with detailed explanations.

By the end of this sample test, you’ll have a good understanding of how to answer these questions correctly and what you should do to ace the exam.

So, without further ado, let’s get started!

What Is the New TSA Test?

The new TSA CBT test, officially named the TSA TAB test, is a 25-45 minute skills assessment that gradually replaces the previous TSA CBT test in some airports. It includes 3 sections that evaluate spatial reasoning, attention, and processing speed.

The 3 sections you’ll encounter on this assessment are (in their exact order):

Connecting the Dots

On each question, you’ll be shown a specific sequence and you’ll have to connect the dots in that specific order. You should answer the questions as accurately and quickly as possible, and you’ll be mainly graded on your speed.

Shape / Image Matching

You’ll be presented with a figure on each question. Your task will be to identify and choose an image identical to the one shown. Your score will be affected by the timing, so you should strive to answer as fast as possible.

2D to 3D Shape Folding

This is considered to be the hardest section by all candidates.

In this section, you’ll be presented with a 2D figure and a 3D figure. Your task will be to match the shapes of the 2D figure and the faces of the folded 3D shape.

Get 15 accurate practice tests simulating the new TSA test & increase your chances of getting a job offer.

How to Know Which TSA CBT Test Version You Are Taking?

The safest way to know which test TSA CBT version you’re about to take is to look at the email you received with your exam invitation.

If you see the following lines, you’ll take the new TSA test that is covered on this page.

This assessment is not an English language proficiency assessment. Overall testing time varies between candidates. However, you can expect to spend an average of 25-45 minutes in the test center.”

The old TSA CBT test includes two sections (X-ray and English proficiency) and takes 2.5 hours to complete. So, the email you receive is the only way to know which test version you’re about to take.

Check our guide for additional preparation tips for the TSA test.

Take a Free Practice Test to Get a Feel for the Assessment

TSA 2D to 3D Interpretation Practice Questions

Sample Question #1

Which of the possible options represents this shape in its folded form?

TSA test 2D to 3D sample question


TSA test 2D to 3D answer 1


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TSA test 2D to 3D answer 5

The correct answer is 1.

This shape has two hexagon bases, which will be parallel in the folded form, resulting in one of them being mirrored, since it will be flipped:

TSA test 2D to 3D correct answer

Due to the complexity of this shape, we recommend starting with one of the bases: go through its edges clockwise or counterclockwise and check that the numbers are in the right order.

There may be a situation where more than one option has the letters correctly on the base you checked (and somewhere else it will have something that doesn’t match), so you can only tell which one is correct after you’ve ruled out all the options but one.

Sample Question #2

Please match the number on the face of the 2D shape to the letter on the face of the 3D shape below:

TSA 2D to 3D shape folding practice question

A = ?

a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
e. 5
f. 6
g. 7
h. 8
i. 9

B = ?

a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
e. 5
f. 6
g. 7
h. 8
i. 9

C = ?

a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
e. 5
f. 6
g. 7
h. 8
i. 9

D = ?

a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
e. 5
f. 6
g. 7
h. 8
i. 9

The correct answers are:


In these questions, you are asked to match the entire face, not just its sides. Furthermore, you are asked to answer only about specific faces, so you don’t need to use all of the numbers given.

Locate the “x” on both the 2D and 3D images. The face with the D above the “x” is connected to the narrower side of the trapeze of the “x”. Hence, when matching the 2D, “move” right to the narrower side: D=4.

An easy way to approach these types of questions is to start with the “x” and “follow” with your eyes to the next matching face, both in 2D and 3D: On the 2D form, if you move right again, you will reach number 7.

The trickier part is understanding that in 3D, this is the A face. By understanding that the face with the 7 has many “branches”, it’s reasonable to assume that it will be the upper edge of a folded shape.

A=7 According to the edges, the “branch” that matches the B face will be 8, not 6, because of the angle at which the 3D shape is facing us. B=8 following next on the 2D form will be 9, which will be the last asked face of the 3D form: C=9

Take 6 additional 2D to 3D shape folding practice tests that simulate the actual exam.

TSA Connect the Dots Practice Question

Please connect the dots in the following sequence (from left to right):


Do so by choosing the answer that shows the dots connected in the correct order.

TSA test connect the dots sample question


TSA test connect the dots sample answer 1


TSA test connect the dots sample answer 2


TSA test connect the dots sample answer 3


TSA test connect the dots sample answer 4

The correct answer is 3:

TSA test connect the dots sample correct answer

TSA Shapes Match Practice Questions

Sample Question #1

Please choose the figure that is the same as the one presented below, as fast as you can:

new TSA test shape match sample question
TSA test shape match sample answer 1
TSA test shape match sample answer 2
TSA test shape match sample answer 3
TSA test shape match sample answer 4
TSA test shape match sample answer 5

The correct answer is the 4th one.

Sample Question #2

Please choose the figure that is the same as the one presented below, as fast as you can:

TSA TAB test shape match sample question
TSA TAB test shape match sample answer 1
TSA TAB test shape match sample answer 2
TSA TAB test shape match sample answer 3
TSA TAB test shape match sample answer 4
TSA TAB test shape match sample answer 5

The correct answer is the 5th one.

Get More Accurate Practice Resources to Ensure You’re Fully Prepared

As you’ve seen above, the new TSA hire test is challenging and intensive (especially the shape folding part) and it’s not something you should take without any prior preparation.

Solving practice tests that resemble the actual exam and have the same difficulty level is the safest and most reliable way to increase your chances of scoring high and getting a tentative job offer.

We recommend taking the 15 practice tests on this site to ensure you’re fully prepared and have the highest chance of passing the assessment.

Each of the 15 practice tests simulates the real test questions and includes detailed explanations that enable you to learn from your mistakes and sharpen your skills.

Get the 15 practice tests and enhance your chances of getting a job offer.