Free P&G PEAK Performance Assessment Practice Test (Including Full Answers)

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Welcome to your free P&G PEAK Performance Assessment Practice Test.

This is a 7-question sample test with full answers that closely follows the format and structure of the actual test questions.

Taking this free practice test will eliminate the element of surprise when taking the actual assessment since you’ll already be familiar with the questions’ format.

Also, the answer explanations will give you a better understanding of how to answer each question correctly, leading to higher chances of passing the assessment.

Good Luck!

To get even more PEAK Performance assessment practice tests that simulate the actual test, visit this page.

A Quick Overview of the PEAK Performance Assessment Before You Start

The P&G PEAK Performance Assessment comprises 4 separate sections and it’s untimed, although most candidates complete it within 20 minutes. The first two sections include multiple-choice questions and the last two sections include rating questions in which you must choose an answer on a certain scale.

Here are the 4 sections in their exact order:

  1. Situational Judgement Test (Multiple Choice)
  2. Leadership Questionnaire (Multiple Choice)
  3. Motivation Questionnaire (Rating Scale with 3 Options)
  4. Personality Test (Rating Scale with 4 Options)

The sample test on this page is given in the same order as well.

Last tip before you start:

The PEAK Performance Assessment is heavily based on the PEAK Performance Factors. These are the characteristics, attitudes, and behaviors that P&G measures to ensure they hire the most suitable candidates.

Here’s a list of these PEAK factors:

  • Lead with courage
  • Innovate for growth
  • Champion productivity
  • Execute with excellence
  • Bring out our best

These 5 factors also include P&G’s Purpose, Values & Principles (PVP).

After reading the P&G PEAK Factors and the P&G PVP thoroughly, you’ll better understand how to approach the questions on the PEAK assessment and what matters most to the hiring managers.

And now, to the sample test itself:

Free PEAK Performance Assessment Practice Test

Situational Judgement Test

Each question consists of a description of a work-related situation and a list of possible responses to the situation described. In this section, you are asked to choose the best response for each scenario. 

Sample Question #1

You are presented with the new project assigned to you, which focuses on a field you do not know much about. You are required to attain new skills and information rapidly.

What would you do in this situation?

A. You dive right in, collecting information from various sources and learning as much as possible about the topic.

B. You critically think about the knowledge you obtained and why it is important.

C. You believe in learning while doing and are confident you will obtain the main skills this way. There is no need to set aside time to study new subjects.

D. You want to be efficient and only study the parts that are directly related to your project.

E. You like learning new skills and expanding your knowledge. You reflect on your research and why it is essential for your project.

The situation was designed to measure your motivation to learn, professionalism, and critical thinking. Before starting a project in an unfamiliar field, you should research the topic and reflect on its implications for your work.

The best option is answer E. This response shows you are professional and practical. It is good to reflect on your work and consider what is relevant for you. You show a genuine interest and motivation to learn, as it states you like learning new things.

Let’s view the other options separately:

Answer (A): It is positive to show a genuine interest in the field of your work and eagerness to learn as much as possible. However, you should also use your critical thinking and judgment skills to determine exactly what you need to learn.

Answer (B): This response resembles answer E. The difference between the answers is that answer E shows a genuine interest and motivation to learn, while answer B demonstrates critical thinking without an internal interest in learning. For this reason, answer E is preferable to this answer.

Answer (C): The situation described requires new skills that you are unfamiliar with. Not setting aside time to develop your skills shows unprofessionalism. This response is very passive and contradicts the proactive approach a new employee is expected to demonstrate.

Answer (D): This situation represents an employee with ‘narrow’ thinking who does not want to explore anything beyond the necessary. It is good to be efficient, yet it is also important to show that you are eager to learn and develop professionally.

Sample Question #2

During the weekend you think of a great way to improve one of the company’s services. Naturally, you are eager to share your idea, but you know that next week’s team meeting is dedicated to other subjects.

What would you do if you were in this situation?

A. You start thinking about carrying out your idea, dedicating the next few days to devising a plan for executing your vision.

B. You conduct a preliminary exploration to assess the benefits of your suggestion to the customer.

C. You would like to present your idea at the next meeting, so you call your boss right away and suggest that she schedules some time in the meeting for your presentation.

D. You want to get your colleagues’ perspectives on your idea, so you would talk to them and ask for their opinions and thoughts.

E. You realize that the meeting will focus on other subjects, so you decide to postpone sharing your proposal until the opportunity presents itself.

The situation was designed to measure your innovation, strategic planning, and customer orientation.

In this situation, you think of a great idea, and you need to determine how to evaluate the value of your idea and present it to the team. It is important to dedicate time to evaluate your ideas before you present them or start planning their execution.

The best option is answer B. Even though you believe your idea is excellent, it is essential to examine the idea and its benefits before presenting it in the meeting. When you take the time to research and assess your vision, it shows that you are thorough and professional in your work. In addition, by exploring how your idea could improve the customer experience, you show you are customer-oriented, and you aspire to understand the customers’ needs.

Let’s view the other options separately:

Answer (A)+ Answer (C): These responses indicate your enthusiasm and desire to promote innovative ideas in the company. However, it is essential to check the feasibility and value of your idea before you present your idea to your boss or start your planning. Starting the execution of the idea without sufficient thought shows some degree of impulsivity and lack of attention to detail.

Answer (D): Asking for your colleagues’ perspectives on your idea is important; it shows your ability to collaborate and listen to different viewpoints. Still, there is room for additional independent exploration on your side so you can present a more substantial notion of your idea.

Answer (E): In this response, you choose a passive attitude, waiting for an opportunity to present your idea instead of promoting your objective. It shows a low level of initiative and ambition.

Leadership Questionnaire

The questions in this section regard behavior and performance in your previous workplaces and relate to your drive, attitude, and professional and interpersonal skills. These kinds of questions are used to predict your performance in a future job, judging by your experience. 

Sample Question #3

If you are in a group, how likely are you to speak out for what is right when no one else will?

A. Highly likely
B. Very likely
C. Moderately likely
D. To a little extent
E. Never

The answers presented above create a scale from highest (answer A) to lowest (answer E).

Preferred answers: A, B

This question assesses your confidenceintegrity, and willingness to try to do the right thing. P&G is looking for people with integrity who step up and speak out even when they do so alone. This is thus a desirable trait at highly likely or very likely for all employee levels.

Note that in this question, you are asked about the likelihood that you would act in a certain way and not about actual occurrences in the past, meaning that it measures a personality trait rather than a skill or past performance. For this reason, it is important to demonstrate a high level of integrity in this question, as it assesses a personal tendency.

Sample Question #4

How frequently have you had to make judgments impacting other colleagues while under very tight deadlines?

A. Much more frequently than most
B. More frequently than most
C. Approximately as frequently as most
D. Less frequently than most
E. Much less frequently than most

The answers presented above create a scale from highest (answer A) to lowest (answer E).

Preferred answers:

Entry-level/ Team member: C

Manager/ experienced professional: B

This question assesses your leadership skills and decision-making skills.

Delivering the required strategies involves decision-making and performance under time pressure while respecting any potential impact on others and the business. It is not appropriate to be a very high performer on every question.

As most contemporary business environments have super tight deadlines, this one would be a good choice to mark as average (answer C- for Entry-level/ Team member) or more frequently (answer B- for Manager/ experienced professional), unless you currently work in a super high-pressured environment.

Motivation Questionnaire

The Motivation Questionnaire is designed to reveal what fulfills you in your workplace. In this test, you demonstrate your work preferences by indicating how important you find several work features on a scale of 1 – not significant to 3 – Very significant.

Sample Question #5

Working on projects with clearly defined responsibilities

A. Not Significant
B. Somewhat Significant
C. Very Significant

The preferred answers are A. not significant or B. somewhat significant.

This statement measures your flexibility and adaptability. It is important to understand your duties so you can be efficient and demonstrate your professionalism.

However, wanting to have clearly defined responsibilities could also indicate lower levels of flexibility and adaptability, traits valued in every P&G employee and are especially vital for managerial positions. For these reasons, it is not advisable to mark this statement as very significant.

Personality Test

This is a personality test that consists of different statements. Read each statement carefully and choose the most appropriate answer for you. You can mark only one answer for each statement.

Sample Question #6

After I have said or done something hurtful to others, I can’t tolerate facing them again.

A. Strongly Disagree
B. Disagree
C. Neutral
D. Agree
E. Strongly Agree

Preferred answer: B.

This statement is related to the quality of self-consciousness, which reflects how preoccupied you are with your behavior and how you are perceived by others.

A high score indicates high sensitivity to embarrassment and a tendency to behave defensively, which may negatively affect interpersonal interactions with colleagues, employers, or clients.

Therefore, it is advisable to get lower scores in this trait, which are associated with self-confidence and less related to shyness and shame.

Sample Question #7

I think the majority of people would exploit you if you open the door.

A. Strongly Disagree
B. Disagree
C. Neutral
D. Agree
E. Strongly Agree

Preferred answer: B.

This statement relates to the trait of trust, which reflects the ability to trust others and believe that their intentions are good.

Very high levels of trust in others indicate innocence and vulnerability to exploitation. In contrast, very low levels indicate pessimism and suspicion towards others, which can be problematic in relationships with employers and colleagues.

In most jobs, it is important to trust others so that joint work can be done effectively, but also to recognize situations where it is not worthwhile to trust others too much and act accordingly.

To get more PEAK Performance assessment practice tests that simulate the actual test, visit this page.

Need to Take Another Test in Addition to the PEAK Performance Assessment?

Many candidates are required to take one or more of the P&G interactive assessments (Switch, Digit, Grid) in addition to completing the PEAK Performance assessment.

Visit our in-depth guides below to see what to expect on each of the interactive assessments, try sample questions, and get realistic practice resources: